JUMP TOAPI ReferenceIntroductionAuthenticationPaginationFACILITIESList facilitiesgetList classifications in facilitygetList spots in facilitygetCUSTOMERSList customers in facilitygetShow customer in facilitygetCreate customer in facilitypostUpdate customer in facilitypatchList usersgetagreementsCreate reserved parking agreementpostCreate payment card intentpostWAITING LISTSList waiting list positionsgetShow waiting list positiongetCreate waiting list positionpostDelete waiting list positiondeleteELIGIBILITY CODESList eligibility codesgetShow eligibility codegetCreate eligibility codepostDelete eligibility codedeletePARKING SESSIONSStart parkingpostStop parkingpatchShow parking permit details for vehiclegetShow parking permit status of a vehiclegetACCESS CONTROLList access control unitsgetShow access control unitgetCreate access control unitpostDelete access control unitdeleteList access control units of usergetActuate access control unitpostPowered by Show parking permit status of a vehicleget https://api.mobility46.com/api/v3/parking_permits/verificationThis endpoint is designed for use by parking surveillance services.